Sunday, September 21, 2008


This is a Burmese puppet, and is rather big and long. Got this in Changmai.

This is an authentic Indian hand puppet from Chennai. Sadly, her nose is chipped, but she's still pretty, isn't she? Her dress is fine Indian silk.

Another Burmese puppet, which I suspect is actually for souvenirs only. Got this one at a souvenir stand at Angkor Wat, because the vendor was very insistent. It rained so hard that afternoon, Ed and I had to seek cover in her stall, so I was forced to buy. I have another one like this with green costume, which I bought at much lower price at Chatuchak in Bangkok in 2005.

I have other puppets in my collection, and I just love the three Chinese terra-cota finger puppets that I got at an antique shop along Chulia St. in Penang. They are my favorites. My wayang golek from Indonesia needs a partner, and there are wayang kulit (shadow puppets of cowhide) copies too. I would love to have one of those gigantic Cambodian shadow puppets, but might have to save a lot for them.

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